Brohann Sebastian Bach

What a hardass:

"In the summer of 1705, [Bach] got into a brawl with a student named Geyersbach. Geyersbach had insulted Bach's musical abilities and began to threaten him with a stick. Bach then reportedly called Geyersbach a "nanny-goat bassoonist" and Geyersbach retorted that Bach was a "dirty dog" and took a swing at him. Bach drew his sword, but Geyersbach jumped on him, making swordfighting impossible, and they fought until other students were able to break them apart. Later in the year, Bach was given four weeks leave to study the vocal music of Dietrich Buxtehude Another legend claims that Bach walked the entire 200 miles to Lьbeck for these studies. The four week leave actually turned into four months, which did not please Bach's superiors. Also, the new musical techniques that Bach picked up did not go over well and rumors were spread about his impropriety with a young woman. He eventually left this poor situation to take a job in Mьlhausen in June of 1707."

And some excellent quotes:


"Only the pure at heart can make a good soup."

"Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken."


 I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to.


"If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music."


"A good composer does not imitate; he steals"

 And now, perhaps you can tell me if this is music...


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