Humans Are Insane!

First of all, this is totally insane!!!

This is a piece by contemporary composer Steve Reich, written for two pianists.  It's called a phase shift meaning it's the exact same thing played over and over again at two very slightly different tempos.  The fact that one human is able to do it is insane.  This video is a little abridged, but you can see the effect of the phase shift.

Now on to Satie...

That is the soothing, soothing sound of Erik Satie's Gymnopedie No. 1 from his Trois Gymnopedies.  Satie was another composer from the turn of the twentieth century.  He was french and although he composed around the same time as Ives and Scriabin, he was known for the simplicity of his melodies and his adherence to common tonalities.  He was friends with (and a great influence on) his much more well known contemporary Claude Debussy.  Debussy arranged a number of Satie's piano works for orchestra - here is a stunning orchestration by Debussy of Gymnopedie No 1:

Satie preferred the title of 'phonometrician' (someone who measures sounds) to that of musician.  If you enjoyed the Gymnopedie, I strongly encourage you to check out the music of contemporary Estonian composer Arvo Part, particularly his Spiegel Im Spiegel.

Stay Tuned Next Week for Some Schooling in the Classics and a Look at the Modern Traditions...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, humans ARE insane - really! Had to take a listen, even though I am not up to current on the posts. Back to last week, now... Mom
